Kewirausahaan Perguruan Tinggi Islam (Analisis Pendiidkan Kewirausahaan Dalam Konteks Kampus Merdeka)
Entrepreneurship, Independent Campus, Education ManagementAbstract
This research aims to discover the ideal concept of entrepreneurship education in higher education. The study employs a qualitative paradigm with descriptive survey techniques. The research locus is conducted at the State Islamic Institute of Lhokseumawe. The results indicate that entrepreneurship education has been implemented before the implementation of the Independent Learning policy. The Independent Campus program provides opportunities for a series of innovations in implementing entrepreneurial management. This direction aligns with the orientation of the Independent Campus in shaping self-reliance and entrepreneurial spirit. Additionally, the implementation of entrepreneurship education stimulates a sense of independence in thinking and competitiveness through the improvement of management and technology optimization. The program's manifestation is carried out in the form of activities such as business units, internship programs, integrated learning programs, and entrepreneurship expos. On the other hand, faculty members innovate teaching through cultural learning and working transformation processes with an entrepreneurial spirit. This research has implications for the theoretical development of entrepreneurship concepts in the implementation of the Independent Campus policy.
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